T-Brick Shed: First Course

Laying out the forms for the first course. We have five 12″X12″ forms and one 18″X12″ form.

Forms are all filled in. Now for the moment of truth, removing the first form. It’s had roughly half an hour to set up

The form slid off fairly easily

And the block kept its large fudge like shape

The 12″X12″ was far easier to remove than than the 18″X12″ was. Note how the 18″X12″ block slumps a little at the corner.

For the next course we’ll build a few more forms to allow a little more set up time. We may also try greasing the forms to ease removal.

Packing the form seemed to work best if we filled the it half way and then gave it a good tamping

Screeding the excess off the top

Making a new batch

Adding lime

Adding more water. I played with mix over time drying to get it drier.


Two walls down

Dad engineered a new screed that worked much better than the board I was using.

I suggested we stop after the third wall but Jean and Dad wanted to keep going

We were one block shy of completing the fourth wall when we ran out of mud and daylight.