Last Beam Finished and Floor Construction Begun

I had hoped that I could I have titled this post “Last Beam and Floor Construction Finished” but alas the elements conspired against me. The week began warmish and dry but soon devolved into cold wet nastiness.

I finished the last beam on Monday which completes my principal joinery. I have a few joists to finish for the loft and the birdsmouth joints to cut on the rafters.

My friend Horacio came out on Friday to help assemble the grade beams. I’m laying out the bracket hardware here.

Moving the grade beam into position

Jean and I are using a string to make sure the brackets are lined up

Jean tightens up the bolt on the bracket.

Inspecting my level. I ran into an issue where my levels were returning slightly different results.

Jacking up and shimming the beam.

Here’s a time lapse of the week: