The bucket compost toilet in our cabin has seen several revisions since we first installed it four years ago including adding a urine diverter and a vent fan. Each addition was just cobbled on and the toilet had some other issues that I was not happy with so I decided a full overhaul was in order.
The primary problems with the toilet were:
- Poor air sealing
- Inadequate ventilation/restricted airflow
- Odor issues stemming from the use of a P-trap

First, I built a tight compartment using 2x4s and 2x2s and sheathing it with a mix of 1/2″ and 3/4″ furniture grade plywood that I had left over from other projects. I reused top of the compartment and the urine diverter from the old toilet. I added a splash guard to the urine diverter and plumbed it in with 1 1/2″ PVC pipe.

I also reused the seat from old toilet. I attached 1/2″ foam to the bottom of the seat and lid to make a good seal.

Lastly, I cut a hole in the wall to accommodate a 2 inch pvc pipe and attached a muffin fan.

I love that you are always improving and so innovative about it, too. I hadn’t heard of a muffin fan.
Remember to “Keep to the Code” (bucket colour code of course).
Higher toilet seat also helps older people to get up from the toilet!